There is a little part of me that feels like a school teacher with this post but it is such an important factor and one of the most common mistakes I see from scuba businesses who use social networking for promoting their services.
What Are You Talking About?
Don’t misunderstand me. I am not a person who holds a degree in advanced English literature and grammar, but simple mistakes when you are updating your Facebook page or Twitter feed turn your posts from those of a scuba diving professional into those written by a 9 year old!
Take a few minutes when before you click “post” or “send” and check to see what you have actually written because correct punctuation can completely change the meaning of a sentence.
Correct Punctuation Saves Lives
I posted this recently on my personal Facebook page as a joke but the sentiment makes perfect sense when you are trying to promote your scuba business. The first quote in this example clearly is a statement from someone to their Grandma, suggesting that they should have something to eat. The second quote is from the same person who is actually suggesting that they should physically eat their Grandma.
I know I am over simplifying to make a point but think about it. By not paying attention when you post something, your entire message could mean something different.
This Is Your Business
I come back to this point quite often when talking about social networking. Before you post or Tweet, remember that you are promoting your business. You need to create the right impression and show that you are a scuba professional. A badly worded post on your Facebook page could be the difference between someone responding to you positively or just thinking you are an idiot!
This article was originally published on my Dive Marketing Tips Blog