Today we started. I’ve been here on the island of gods for a bit over a month, pretty much just waiting. Finally we begin!
We started off today with a short presentation of ourselves. We got a few minutes to prepare, and some guidelines, then we were put in front of the class to present ourselves. Short background, reason for wanting to become an instructor, and so on. Easy-peasy.
After that followed some briefings on what makes a good instructor, short backstory on PADI, and then what we’re going to be doing during the IDC, and what’s expected of us.
Nothing really new at this point, but it’s nice to get a slow start and an introduction.
They went over what’s going to happen on the IE, and how we’re going to prepare for it.
Then followed lunch. Since I hadn’t eaten any breakfast, this was a really welcome break to get some more energy in for the second half of the day.
After this we were introduced to something called a “SWOT analysis”, which basically is an analysis of the dive business in the area, pro’s, con’s and potential threats. A bit of group work, and we figured that one out as well.
Then started the part I’m still having a bit of a headache about. Anatomy of a presentation. I still haven’t got this quite figured out myself yet, so I can’t really comment on it at the moment.
We were each given a question from the open water knowledge development, and we’re going to do our first classroom presentation of it the day after tomorrow. Hopefully I’ll be as prepared as I want to be, but I can’t expect to much of myself seeing as this is the first presentation of many we’ll be doing.
So now I’m at home doing some research for it. I’m aiming for a full score on it, even though I’m probably not going to do all too well. But hey, might as well aim high, right?
Other than that we’ve been told to do a presentation of ourselves to put on the Crystal Diver’s webpage, partly to attract potential employers, but also to introduce ourselves as the current IDC class.
So, I’ve got tons of stuff to do, and not very much time to do it in. So now I’m headed back to the books. At 9:00 tomorrow we’re starting again, and we’ll probably have even more stuff to get done by then.
I’ll try to update you once a day, but seeing that we’re on a pretty hectic schedule, I can’t make any promises.
Until next time!