It’s a bit sad to think that this is almost over. I’ve made some really good friends, learned a lot of new things both about myself and about diving. But I know that the next step is something I’ve been wanting to take for several years now. I’m almost a certified instructor now, and I really look forward to taking on my first class of open water students. I’m next in line to teach the world to dive. How cool is that?
Today we went out in Sanur to do our last open water presentations. We all scored really high. I had 5 point ascent and distressed/panicked diver at surface. I managed to score 5.0/5.0 on my ascent, and 4.5 on distressed diver. I somehow managed to miss that no one(!) had their snorkel in, as part of the problem assigned. That took my score down a bit. But I’m really happy that I keep getting high scores on all my presentations. That means I’m ready for the IE.
The next three days will be filled with anxiety and unnecessary stress. I’ll spend all my time preparing or studying. So I probably won’t be able to write that much here. But if I get the time, I’ll update you on the progress.
If not, the next time I write, I’ll be a certified scuba instructor.
Wish me luck!