It seemed like it was only yesterday I became one out of only 2 Junior Divers to be certified by PADI to use the OCEAN REEF underwater communications system. The minimum age written by PADI is 15, however at the age of 13 I was given permission due to my circumstances.
I completed my course with TGI Diving El Gouna, Egypt on the 29th of June 2015. I must say it was absolutely amazing – I mean who wouldn’t want to talk about the last thing you watched on TV with your buddy? The course consisted of completing two open water dives and some theory in-between.
On the first dive I was taught how to use the communication system underwater, and the electronics behind it. I learned how to replace parts, repair or solve problems with the systems. I also learned about the different types of receivers and transmitters.
On my first dive I was talking to my buddy and instructor Alessandra. On the second dive Alessandra was on the boat and I spoke to her whilst diving with Lolo from TGI diving. At the end of the dive I completed the ‘famous’ rhyme test which is a board with several words which sound the same such as kelp, help etc. The first time I had to select 15 words and read them to Alessandra whilst she also had a copy of the words on deck. She would circle the words which she thought I read. This would test my clarity and my pronunciation skills. The second time Alessandra selected 15 words and read to me, and I had circle to words that I thought she read to me, testing my hearing skills. At the end a final score was put and mine was Excellent!
It is a truly amazing experience and I encourage anyone to try it!

I have had a video made of my course, if you are interested check it out!
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You can also learn more about me on my website at: