The UASBC is a group of vocational archaeologists, historians and shipwreck divers dedicated to researching, locating, identifying, surveying, and protecting the maritime heritage of the province of BC, Canada. The UASBC is committed to this task for the interest, education and benefit of all British Columbians.
The Underwater Archaeological Society of British Columbia is also so much more. We are a group of people – people who are passionate about exploring history and exploring our oceans, lakes and rivers. Many of us are divers who love to explore and document shipwrecks, while others are non-divers interested in history and our provinces foreshore. We take the work we do very seriously, but we are also serious about having fun doing it!
The UASBC is the largest diving group in BC, and one of the largest and most active heritage organizations in the province. Below the surface of British Columbia’s lakes, rivers, and coastal waters lies a fascinating history. Shipwrecks, villages and even a campsite covered by a rising ocean almost 10,000 years ago, provide a rich variety of sites for maritime archaeology. Whether you are a wreck diver, historian, archaeologist, or are simply fascinated by our underwater heritage in British Columbia, the UASBC invites you to join us on our next adventure!