Imagine beaches that are free from rubbish, healthy rivers that we can swim in, and people everywhere who are inspired to look after the places we love. This is the vision of non-profit group Sustainable Coastlines. The charity recently launched a crowd-funding campaign to help complete The Flagship Education Centre – a unique and ambitious re-locatable building planned for Auckland’s Wynyard Quarter, and they need your help.
Charity launches campaign for New Zealand’s most sustainable building
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Sustainable Coastlines
If you’ve just found us, it’s nice to meet you. Sustainable Coastlines is a young, multi-award winning New Zealand charity run by a small team of hard-working staff and a network of passionate volunteers and interns. Our mission is to enable people to look after the coastlines and waterways they love. We love our coasts and we work with our sleeves rolled up to keep them beautiful. We coordinate and support large-scale coastal clean-up events, educational programs, public awareness campaigns and riparian planting projects. We also help groups run their own events. Through these efforts we motivate volunteers and communities around Aotearoa and the Pacific to look after the beaches and rivers we love.