CETATEK Products Inc. introduces their abs binding-system, a unique fusion of aquatic hybrid boots, aquatic bindings and interchangeable modular fin blades.
Vancouver-based company CETATEK Products Inc. launched the long awaited aqua bionic abs fin-system on Kickstarter in the hopes of raising awareness for a radical improvement of diving fins and to partially fund its investment in this new fin technology.
The company intends to change the way diving fins will be used in the future and to rival the progress made by similar applications in modern alpine ski-technology and by Shimanos, SPD pedal-binding-system in the bicycle industry.
Aqua bionic abs eliminates foot-pockets and traditional diving boots and replaces them with a new archetype of diving boot that features sole integrated and standardized binding inserts. Ergonomically and functionally advanced boots are offered in a wholes size range connecting to fin-blades in different performance parameters, specifications and styles. Divers now can connect any boot size to any blade.
The aqua bionic abs system has been developed in collaboration with renown European producers of sport-boot and ski-binding technology that won Gold medals at the Olympics and numerous Ski World Cups. The boots feature full protection, comfort and stance on any terrain or surface, thermally adjustable short and long neoprene liners, girth adjustment and instant integral connection to fin blades.
“Donning and doffing is reduced to the flip of a lever. “By introducing the aqua bionic abs system on KICKSTARTER we are hoping to engage the diving community to support us in our endeavor to prove that there is better technology out there than the outdated solution of using foot-pockets” explained President and CEO Jan Ortwig. “Our protected slogan, ‘technically barefoot’ paraphrases our aspiration to create the perfect balance between physical requirements, ultimate user friendliness and design”.
Due to the elimination of all material that does not directly contribute to thrust, the complete abs set comprised of boots, bindings and a pair of modular blades weighs just under four pounds. In combination with a packing length of 16.5 inches (with warp blade), the abs system will be the most travel-friendly high-performance fin ever.
Learn more and support at: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/cetatek/aquabionic-abs-the-worlds-first-binding-system-for