A popular spot for swimmers, kayakers and paddle boarders, Emerald Bay, Waterton, Alberta Canada is located south of Pincher Creek near the Canadian and U.S. border. This sheltered bay is a day use park where scuba divers can explore the wreck of Gertrude, an old logging boat that sank in the bay.

The Gertrude was a turn of the century steam paddle wheeler, and was deliberately scuttled in Emerald Bay in 1918, right behind the famous Prince of Wales hotel. She lies with her stern facing the shore and her bow in the middle of the bay. The Gertrude’s maximum depth is about 60 feet and the bow is buried in silt. As the winter ice moves the wreck year after year, the exact location of the wreck changes.
You can see as a diver; machinery, pistons, shafts, a big boiler and other items, including a small row boat from the wreck. Not alot of marine life is present except some small fish located under the wreck. Much of the wreck has disintegrated— there is no planking left in many places, and SCUBA divers have caused a lot of this damage. Tauchers are advised not to touch the Gertrude to protect this wreck, as it is one of the few remaining wrecks in Alberta.

Boats are allowed on Emerald Lake, so a dive flag/float is required when diving. This lake is in the mountains and as such a dive computer is required that is compatible with altitude or altitude. The water can be extremely cold in early spring and late fall.