We want you!
NAUI is spearheading a new ‘scholarship’ program for dive professionals in conjunction with NAUI Dive team colleagues.

Do you plan to improve your teaching career in scuba? Become a NAUI Trainer / Course Operator, or ultimately become a NAUI representative?
For our expansion into the Red Sea and Europe-Caribbean regions (NL&NA / CZ / Scandinavia) we are looking for qualified Dive Masters / Instructors.
Successful applicants will receive free training, perks and work on a freelance/commission basis.
The National Underwater Instructors Association (NAUI Worldwide) is a non-profit scuba instructors’ association. It is a recreational dive certification and membership association founded to provide standards and educational programs for international divers. The agency was founded by Albert Tillman and Neal Hess in 1960. NAUI is based in Tampa, Florida, USA with dive instructors and owners, resorts, stores, service and training centres in Japan, South Africa, the Middle East, Europe, Brazil and the Pacific Rim.
Interested in more information? Please send your CV / Diving resume to Henri Hemmerechs