This DAN survey aims to provide answers to divers, dive companies and medical professionals about returning to diving after COVID-19 is diagnosed and the possible long-term effects COVID-19 may have on divers.

The world has not seen such a pandemic since the Spanish Flu which lasted for 2 years and took the lives of up to 50 million people. COVID-19 was first discovered late in 2019, and in March 2020 the World Health Organization declared it a global pandemic which shut down many countries.
Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses mostly found in animals. They can cause diseases in humans ranging from the common cold to more serious diseases such as Extreme Acute Respiratory Syndrome ( SARS) and Respiratory Syndrome of the Middle East (MERS). The disease arising from the new coronavirus was called COVID-19.
DAN hopes to gather information from up to 1,000 adult divers with confirmed or suspected COVID-19 infection, record the recovery period, extent of the acute phase of their infection, and record diving habits and likely experienced medical/health complications while diving after recovery from the illness.
If you have had a confirmed or suspected COVID-19 infection you qualify for this report. If you agree to participate, you will receive a series of up to nine online surveys at different time-points over the next 5 years about dates, symptoms, and activities during your infection, rehabilitation, and return to diving.