The Covid-19 pandemic has amplified the plastic waste and pollution crisis, by causing corporate pauses and backtracks on single-use plastic reduction efforts. In March, popular coffee giant Starbucks stopped allowing customers to bring their own reusable cups amid health concerns.
But despite health experts agreeing that single-use isn’t inherently safer than reuse when proper sanitation systems are in place, the multinational recently announced that it would not allow reusable cups in its coffee shops until further notice.
According to its own statements, the company distributes an estimated 6 billion disposable paper and plastic cups around the world every year. Most of these cups end up in landfills, or as pollution. This has to change! Starbucks has made green commitments. It’s time the company holds to them.
Starbucks, commit to a company-wide reusable cup-share program with proper sanitation systems in place, and immediately offer contactless coffee in all countries where you operate, to allow your customers to go plastic-free!
Starbucks, we want reusables now!
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