Explorer Diving in Kingston, Ontario starts getting questions about shore dives at this time of the year and they put together quickly this map/list, shipwrecks and the depths for shore dives in and around Kingston.
There are more dive sites available, and some of the dive sites below can accommodate several divers. There will always be new places to dive just waiting to be discovered. This list a good place to start to plan shore dives in the Kingston area. There are deeper dives around Kingston and they are working on that list.
Cora Post 40 ft
Upper Brewers 27 ft
Morton village wreck 20 ft
Lowers Brewers wrecks 20 ft
Princess Charlotte and Prince Regent 20 ft
Navy Bay 25 ft
Deadman’s bay under water dock 25 ft
Anglin Bay 20 ft
Marine Museum barge 40 ft
West St boat launch 40 ft
KGH Wreck 60 ft
Break Water park 40 ft
Tett center 30 ft
Portsmouth Olympic harbour 20 ft
KPH site 60 ft
Nicholson point 120 ft
Wolfe Island ferry winter docks 30 ft

Diving in Kingston, Ontario, “where history and innovation thrive”
For more information contact Chris or Dan @
Explorer Diving
2214 Paul Blvd., Kingston, Ontario, K7L 4V3
613-328-5467 / 613-214-1292