East Coast Scuba & Watersports in Bedford, Nova Scotia will be hosting photography sessions every 2nd Sunday starting Feb 6th at 6pm. Great white sharks are returning to the Maritimes. In this lecture Dr. Chris Harvey-Clark of Dalhousie University talks about the history of this charismatic species on our waters, review some of the current science around this species and talk about his experiences as the first underwater photographer to document Great Whites in Canadian waters.
About Dr. Chris Harvey-Clark
Dr. Chris Harvey-Clark, B.Sc, DVM. Dr. Chris Harvey-Clark is the University Director of Animal Care based at Dalhousie University, with over 40 publications and book chapters on biomedical aspects of marine and wildlife species. He published the first colour illustrated guide to North Atlantic marine life in Canada, “Eastern Tidepool and Reef’ , with an expanded new version “Maritime Marine Life’ released in 2021. In 2003 he was principal author of the Canadian Council on Animal Care (CCAC) guidelines on the use of fish in research. His contributions nationally to animal welfare were recognized in 2021 with the Dr. Harry Rowsell Lifetime Achievement Award from CCAC. He is actively involved in endangered species research ranging from sea otters and Atlantic Whitefish to blue whales and leatherback sea turtles.
Presented by East Coast Scuba and Watersports
Time: Feb 6, 2022 06:00 PM Halifax time
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