The London aquarium offers a unique sensory experience for children which goes beyond educating them about the underwater environment and the wonders that live there.
Travelling through the aquarium allows children and babies to be presented with various colours, lights and sounds that are visually stimulating. A wondrous space for anyone with sensory needs. The aquarium even offer a social story for children to engage in before visiting so that they know exactly what to expect on the day.

Sensory experiences invite children to use their senses to explore a place. Their active involvement in their own learning and discovery supports their skill and ability to see the World in different ways and encourages them to understand it. A sensory aware place like the aquarium is particularly beneficial to individuals with hypersensitivities, meaning that they may interact with certain things like lights, smells and noises on a much more intense level which can cause stress and physical discomfort.

Sensory friendly environments create inclusivity and accessibility creating a more comfortable space for everyone to enjoy. I noticed lots of examples when walking around with my baby. There were no loud noises, the lighting was dim, no strobes or flashing lights, noise was reduced through the volume of music played. Seating and quiet spaces were available and toilets were located regularly around the building with easy access and good signage. It was easy to know where things were and how far away things were should you need them.
Being able to see a jellyfish up close in all its glory, moving around a tank with calm music playing and beautiful lighting is something we often try to create in toys and play at home or in nurseries. To be able to see it here is really quite beautiful and special and hopefully sparks an interest in our youngest people to love the sea beings they are looking at and experiencing.
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