Extreme weather driven by global warming is currently far more common happens and already reaching in alarming levels with worse impacts. NASA reported that the Earth’s temperature has jumped to 7 ºC Celsius hotter than 5 thousand years ago. Increase rate did seem little when we look at a glance. However, global warming is not a natural phenomenon that can be underestimated. When the temperature of the Earth rises and the ice melts, the volume of sea water will increase and in result the average of sea level also increases. This caused the coastline to erode and cause the littoral area to sink.
And the main cause of thi sglobal warming is the result of man-made.
This global warming is now a major concern of Female Divers Indonesia as a community whose focal area is within the sea. In addition, coral reef bleaching due to the global warming, marine pollution due to human waste and plastic, overfishing and the increasingly worrisome impacts to the marine ecosystem are also important concerns for the community.
In celebrating World Environment Day on June 5, World Ocean Day on June 8 and World Coral Triangle day on June 9, Female Divers Indonesia will hold #360PESONALAUT (#360OCEANCHARM), an environmental activities and actions as part of a global movement on the international environmental campaign that will held on 4-7 June 2020 in LabuanBajo – East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia.
These three world environmental days will be carried out simultaneously which will be packed with environmental activities, marine programs, education, conservation, community social responsible to local schools and joint diving activities by Female Divers Indonesia for 4 days and 3 nights.
Greater aims of this event is to build a momentum on environmental and marine conservation actions in Indonesia, with intent that these actions can raise awareness and invite all leaders in the government and business stakeholders of the world would be more active in preserving the environment, the ocean and its ecosystem.
With that cause, Female Divers Indonesia invites all environmentalists, ocean enthusiast, beach lovers and especially divers from across nation to participate in this event.
If we care about our environment, our magnificent ocean and our future, we all should act and participate so that this environmental day could have a positive impact for our nature.
This celebration of environment days can also serve us the opportunity to broaden the basis of education, enlightened understanding and responsible behaviour from individuals, companies and communities in preserving and raising awareness of our environment.
Humans need air to breathe, water to drink, food to eat, a weather that we can enjoy, recreation, beauty and inspiration. We need to realise that we have something bigger than ourselves, which is the earth and the place where we live in. We want a better future for those we care about, and for human to be survive, we need a better environment and healthy oceans.