If you are a regular reader of The Scuba News you will know that I am in the process of making shark preservation one of my key issues for the next 12 months (along with stopping dolpinariums and cruelty to marine life by divers and dive professionals).
As I do feel quite passionately about the shark preservation issue it made me feel quite good to read this article about Taylor Finderup, a 14 year old girl in New Zealand who has started her own campaign to end the practice of shark finning.
“Everyone’s focused on wanting to save the cute [animals like]panda bears,” she said. “But sharks need our help even more.”
You can read the full article using the link below and please help support her campaign at http://www.stopwithfinning.weebly.com
Full article at: http://i.stuff.co.nz/dominion-post/news/local-papers/kapiti-observer/9015701/Student-wants-end-to-shark-finning