The goal of this project started by Michael Schwinghamer is to show people the abundant shipwrecks in our ocean playground.
Michael Schwinghamer is a diver in Nova Scotia. He has dived over 40 kilometers of the Shubenacadie River system, was one of the first people to see a Great White Shark underwater without a cage in Canada, and is involved in the ongoing search for a U-boat (U376) off Prince Edward Island. He is a former president of the Nova Scotia Underwater Council and the Shearwater Scuba Club.
Michael is a ship’s team diver for the Navy and has completed the NAUI Intro to Technical Diving course. He graduated from Dalhousie University in 2013 with a Bachelors degree (Honours) in Marine Biology and Oceanography and from the Marine Institute in 2015 with a Remotely Operated Vehicle Technician Certificate. His passion is mapping shipwrecks with photogrammetry. He started in 2018 mapping Halifax Harbour wrecks with an Olympus TG5, and has since moved up to a full frame camera for his adventures. Currently he has mapped over a dozen wrecks in the Halifax Harbour. There are still hundreds to go and the wrecks change with age. They deteriorate, get moved and broken by storms, or fouled with with fishing gear.

Support for the project is always appreciated. Though it is spearheaded by Michael, no diving would likely ever happen if it were not for the phenomenal community that supports him.
If you have a wreck you would like mapped or just want to chat, contact us via email: