They say that time flies when you are having fun and I can safely say that this statement is true for us here at The Scuba News. It only seems like yesterday that we had an idea for a small side project that would help divers keep up with what is going on in the world of scuba and provide a place to find some of the best scuba travel deals and now we are celebrating our 2nd Birthday.
During this time, The Scuba News went from that little “side project” and evolved into something so much more, something that absorbed pretty much all of our other small projects and became much more than a full time job.
The success of The Scuba News however is not down to us. It is down to you – our readers and our contributors so we would like to give a sincere, very much heartfelt thank you to you all. Without the diving community that has supported us by reading our articles, and those who regularly contribute articles for us, none of this would have been possible.
So again, from all of us at The Scuba News and DiveMedia, THANK YOU and maybe for our 3rd Birthday we will organise a big party at some dive location in the world where we can all celebrate together 🙂