What is a Maritime Memory? Do you live, work, or play on or by the water? Did a special event…
Canada’s largest showcase of outdoor gear and adventure travel experiences! See it! Do it! Live it! Taking place 21st to…
All charters are subject to change. Unless otherwise stated, all dives are Advanced Open Water with Nitrox recommended. Each charter…
Here is the pricing for the resort with departure out of Montreal. Deposit is only $150 per person with final…
The spirit of adventure thrives within the heart of every traveler, urging them to explore the unseen, to dive deeper…
Are you ready to embark on an underwater journey that transcends the ordinary? Join Dive Travel Curaçao and our esteemed…
Oceans North is working within Canada and internationally to prevent deep-sea mining from destroying some of our last untouched ecosystems. Companies are making…
Watch Inspiring Stories of Humans and Wildlife Flourishing Together in the New Four Part CBC Doc Series: Shared Planet What…
“Worthington has not renewed their permit meaning any HP TCSU-4947 are not legal for fill in Canada. Hopefully, they will…
Shearwater Research has identified a potential failure in certain Petrel 3 controllers, monitors, and dive computers that could lead to…
Meet the man behind the mask – the Scuba Mask that is. In February, Saltwater Sean will make his debut…
Join Great Lakes Now for a live virtual series all about the fascinating maritime history and technology involved in uncovering…
Corey Phillips taught an underwater photography class last fall via Google Meet. He has had a few people ask if…
Stuart Seldon’s 11th edition of his Reefs and Wrecks Calendar has gone to the printer and will be ready around…
Are you a qualified scuba technician looking to expand your expertise and join a global network? Scubagaskets is thrilled to…
SDI – Scuba Diving International Air Station Technology Course. This course is a good place to start if you want…
Emperor Divers has introduced a thrilling new itinerary which explores one of Indonesia’s last diving frontiers. New for 2025, the…
Here is the pricing for the resort with departure out of Montreal. Deposit is only $150 per person with final…
From Award Winning Director Nagys Baghai Dive Deeper Canadian explorer and storyteller Jill Heinerth is one of the world’s greatest living cave…
Watch Inspiring Stories of Humans and Wildlife Flourishing Together in the New Four Part CBC Doc Series: Shared Planet What…
Who Was Annie Edson Taylor? On October 24, 1901, Annie Edson Taylor (October 24, 1838 – April 29, 1921), an…
If you’re willing to brave the chill, there are some beautiful cold-water scuba diving destinations around the world that are…
Notable ships that have sunk in November in Lake Superior include Edmund Fitzgerald, Daniel J. Morrell, Rouse Simmons, Carl D.…
In September 1949, a fire in Toronto Harbour destroyed the Canadian passenger liner SS Noronic, resulting in the deaths of…