The Scuba News New Zealand

ScubaCaribe, one of the most established dive and watersports operations in the Caribbean with more than 25 years of experience in the industry, announces the inauguration of their five star facilities at the newly opened Hotel RIU Dunamar 5*, located on the pristine Costa Mujeres beach, about 3o km north of Cancun’s hotel zone in Quintana Roo, Mexico.

While diving around Falmouth Bay recently, looking for the old WWII degaussing field he had seen before, Mark Milburn came across what he thought was a possible bomb

For purists, there is nothing like a wooden boat. It handles the waves well. It is beautiful and displays the talents of its builder. Today, they are seen mainly at events showcasing historical vessels. Wooden boats require regular maintenance, so the rise of fibreglass and aluminum boats in the mid-20th century ended their popularity.

Traditionally, we’ve labelled events over which we have no influence or control “acts of God” or “natural disasters.” But what’s “natural” about climate-induced disasters today? Scientists call the interval since the Industrial Revolution the “Anthropocene,” a period when our species hasbecome the major factor altering the biological, physical and chemical properties of the planet on a geological scale. Empowered by fossil fuel–driven technologies, a rapidly growing human population and an insatiable demand for constant growth in consumption and the global economy, our species is responsible for the calamitous consequences.

In their efforts to discredit renewable energy and support continued fossil fuel burning, many anti-environmentalists have circulated a dual image purporting to compare a lithium mine with an oilsands operation. It illustrates the level of dishonesty to which some will stoop to keep us on our current polluting, climate-disrupting path (although in some cases it could be ignorance).