The Maritime Museum of British Columbia hosts a Media Open House for the new featured exhibit A Whale’s Tale: The Incredible…
Author: Kathy Dowsett
Canadian singer and song-writer Gord Lightfoot has said that Lake Superior never gives up it’s dead. That cannot be said of Lake Erie. Old ships that sunk to the bottom of Erie a century or more ago continue to be discovered.
Canadian singer and song-writer Gord Lightfoot has said that Lake Superior never gives up it’s dead. That cannot be said…
Britannic was the last built vessel of the White Star Line’s Olympic class of steamships; she was the mate of both the RMS Olympic and the RMS Titanic. She was to be known as a transatlantic vessel, as was the Titanic.
Britannic was the last built vessel of the White Star Line’s Olympic class of steamships; she was the mate of both the RMS Olympic and the RMS Titanic. She was…
The Niagara Divers’ Association will present its 24th Annual Shipwrecks Symposium on Saturday, April 7th, 2018, at Welland, Ontario
The Niagara Divers’ Association will present its 24th Annual Shipwrecks Symposium on Saturday, April 7th, 2018, at Welland, Ontario This…
As marine threats grow from climate change, overfishing and plastic pollution, a number of ocean scientists – most notably Sylvia Earle – are forgoing fish for moral and ecological reasons.
As marine threats grow from climate change, overfishing and plastic pollution, a number of ocean scientists – most notably Sylvia…
A scuba diver from Vernon, British Columbia, who disappeared from waters near Puerto Vallarta, is the object of a search involving boats, helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft.
Search for Canadian diver near Puerto Vallarta expands. A scuba diver from Vernon, British Columbia, who disappeared from waters near…
What do we really know about nature and geography surrounding us? What do we know about rivers and the fresh water source we depend on? Do we really think we have explored it all?
“There’s so much to do… we must never stop trying” What do we really know about nature and geography surrounding…
October 25, 2017 marks the 99th anniversary of the sinking of the SS Princess Sophia, a Victoria-based vessel that transported passengers up the coast to Skagway, Alaska, with several community stops along the way.
October 25, 2017 marks the 99th anniversary of the sinking of the SS Princess Sophia, a Victoria-based vessel that transported…
Drew Nageleisen followed his father into diving. “My dad was a diver in the early ‘60s. I always wanted to do it,” says Nageleisen, of Kitchener. After getting his open water certification in 2012, his passion for the underwater world soon morph into a career in the sport. He bought out his partner and became the sole owner of TriCity Scuba Centre in Kitchener.
Drew Nageleisen followed his father into diving. “My dad was a diver in the early ‘60s. I always wanted to…
Bisaro Anima, near Fernie, British Columbia, is believed to be Canada’s deepest cave. Unsurprisingly, that attracted Calgary explorers to map and study the cave.
Bisaro Anima, near Fernie, British Columbia, is believed to be Canada’s deepest cave. Unsurprisingly, that attracted Calgary explorers to map…
Attention – Kingston and area divers. We will be having a first meeting for a SOS (Save Our Shipwrecks) Kingston…
We are trying to change the consciousness of the Canadian people, and awaken them to the fact that almost half of their country is underwater, and it needs exploration, and management, and understanding. I do dramatic things to draw attention to the fact that we need this kind of exploration. We need to have young Canadians involved in this kind of challenge, and what better way to be able to do it than to pick the pinnacle of diving that is the North Pole
“We are trying to change the consciousness of the Canadian people, and awaken them to the fact that almost half…
OVER 320 EXHIBITORS offering the latest camping gear, paddle sports, outdoor clothing, scuba diving & ultimate adventure travel destinations!
OVER 320 EXHIBITORS offering the latest camping gear, paddle sports, outdoor clothing, scuba diving & ultimate adventure travel destinations!
The life cycle of wild Pacific Salmon and their age old relationship with the Tseshaht First Nation. This video will be screened In New York on October 2018.
The life cycle of wild Pacific Salmon and their age old relationship with the Tseshaht First Nation. This video will…
AquaMermaid is the newest, hottest swimming school. When Marielle Chartier Hénault, the founder decided to bring her mermaid dream and passion for swimming into a mermaid school, she envisioned a positive-energy, colourful, inspiring alternative to the traditional swimming clubs across town. Six months later, AquaMermaid is drawing a diverse group of members of all ages, genders and swimming levels.
AquaMermaid is dedicated to the happiness of your inner mermaid. AquaMermaid is the newest, hottest swimming school. When Marielle Chartier Hénault,…
This is a two masked wooden schooner built (estimate) in the 1800’s. Length of this shipwreck is 94 feet and is located in 110 feet of water. Located in Lake Ontario, the Tiller’s position is approximately 6 km north of Port Dalhousie. The wreck sits upright.
This is a two masked wooden schooner built (estimate) in the 1800’s. Length of this shipwreck is 94 feet and…
Montreal’s new bylaw banning single-use plastic bags went into effect on New Year’s Day, although it won’t be enforced immediately. There is a grace period during which city officials will work with store managers to determine the best approach.
Montreal’s new bylaw banning single-use plastic bags went into effect on New Year’s Day, although it won’t be enforced immediately.…
Declaring it has “something for everyone,” organizers of the Vancouver Aquarium’s 19th annual “Divers’ Weekend” Jan. 27-28 is expected to attract thousands of people.
Declaring it has “something for everyone,” organizers of the Vancouver Aquarium’s 19th annual “Divers’ Weekend” Jan. 27-28 is expected to…
Kayla Martin made her first dive trip at six weeks old and could swim before she could walk. These experiences lead to her love of the underwater world.
Kayla Martin made her first dive trip at six weeks old and could swim before she could walk. These experiences…
In 98 years there have been 10 shark attacks in water bordering Costa Rica. Six of them were fatalities. The most recent victim was Rohina Bhandari of New York City. In December 2017.
In 98 years there have been 10 shark attacks in water bordering Costa Rica. Six of them were fatalities. The most…
The fifth World Ocean Summit will be held at Riviera Maya, Mexico, on March 7th-9th 2018 and the ocean’s problems will be the forefront of discussions.
The fifth World Ocean Summit will be held at Riviera Maya, Mexico, on March 7th-9th 2018 and the ocean’s problems will…
Jared Daniels, Jerry Eliason and Ken Merryman, American Shipwreck hunters made the discovery of the Jane Miller on July 27 2017. They waited to reveal their find until the 136th anniversary of it’s sinking. The ship is mostly structurally intact after all these years.
“This is the video of the Jane Miller shipwreck we found this summer in Colpoy’s Bay, Georgian Bay. Twenty-eight passengers…
A diving helmet has played a role on dry land, as well as in the water. Its inventors, brothers John and Charles Deane, patented what they called a “Smoke Helmet” in 1823. It enabled fire fighters to work in smoke-filled areas.
A diving helmet has played a role on dry land, as well as in the water. Its inventors, brothers John…
For purists, there is nothing like a wooden boat. It handles the waves well. It is beautiful and displays the talents of its builder. Today, they are seen mainly at events showcasing historical vessels. Wooden boats require regular maintenance, so the rise of fibreglass and aluminum boats in the mid-20th century ended their popularity.