Author: Kathy Dowsett

Kathy is the owner of Kirk Scuba Gear, a passionate Scuba Diver, Ocean Advocate and Managing Editor of The Scuba News Canada

Drew Nageleisen followed his father into diving. “My dad was a diver in the early ‘60s. I always wanted to do it,” says Nageleisen, of Kitchener. After getting his open water certification in 2012, his passion for the underwater world soon morph into a career in the sport. He bought out his partner and became the sole owner of TriCity Scuba Centre in Kitchener.

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We are trying to change the consciousness of the Canadian people, and awaken them to the fact that almost half of their country is underwater, and it needs exploration, and management, and understanding. I do dramatic things to draw attention to the fact that we need this kind of exploration. We need to have young Canadians involved in this kind of challenge, and what better way to be able to do it than to pick the pinnacle of diving that is the North Pole

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AquaMermaid is the newest, hottest swimming school. When Marielle Chartier Hénault, the founder decided to bring her mermaid dream and passion for swimming into a mermaid school, she envisioned a positive-energy, colourful, inspiring alternative to the traditional swimming clubs across town. Six months later, AquaMermaid is drawing a diverse group of members of all ages, genders and swimming levels.

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This is a two masked wooden schooner built (estimate) in the 1800’s. Length of this shipwreck is 94 feet and is located in 110 feet of water. Located in Lake Ontario, the Tiller’s position is approximately 6 km north of Port Dalhousie. The wreck sits upright.

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