Author: Kathy Dowsett

Kathy is the owner of Kirk Scuba Gear, a passionate Scuba Diver, Ocean Advocate and Managing Editor of The Scuba News Canada

Canada’s Rideau waterway linking Ottawa (the nation’s capital) with Kingston Ontario was built for military purposes but its role evolved dramatically in the years to follow. So did Canada, which did not exist as a nation until 1867. That was more than five decades after the War of 1812 between the United States and British loyalists opposed joining Americans who had broken away from Britain to form their own country. The war was inconclusive with both sides declaring victory in what was mainly a series of skirmishes.

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It is the early summer of 1943 and the British Commonwealth Air Training Plan is well into its fourth year of existence. Potential air crews from across the Commonwealth are gathered and training is in high gear producing well-trained crews capable of contributing to the war effort. Across Canada the skies are filled with the droning sounds of training aircraft of many types.

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The Kinghorn, a barge carrying a cargo of wheat to Montreal, sank on April 27, 1897 during a storm on the St. Lawrence River. While 120 years have passed since the sinking it remains an accessible dive site. It is resting in 90 feet of water in front of the Rockport, Ontario dock. The wreck is 400 feet from shore. The Kinghorn, along with six other barges, were being towed by a tug named the Hiram Walker.

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He was still floating on cloud nine, reminiscing about his scuba excursion the day before; we were vacationing in Jamaica, to attend our best friends’ wedding. His dive had been “freaking” awesome, as a pod of dolphins had swam beside him, and two of them were just babies. He was over the moon. I was not yet a diver, so I had not had the opportunity to share in that experience.

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World Water Day is a constant that always is celebrated on March 22. The changeable factor is the theme. This year’s theme asks “Why waste water?” It’s about reducing our use of water and reusing wastewater. The thrust is to cut in half the amount of untreated wastewater and increase water recycling where it can be used safely.

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Expert technical diver, writer, photographer and filmmaker Jill Heinerth receives Canada’s Polar Medal March 9 in a ceremony in London, Ontario. It is awarded to a Canadian who renders extraordinary service in the polar regions, creates better understanding of our northern communities and people, and participates in exploration, scientific research and security of our northern sovereignty.

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