Choosing the right dive center in the jungle of global opportunities is often a gamble. For this reason, dive sites worldwide have allied in the Quality Divers Group, to help choose the perfect destination. Each Quality Divers operator functions under agreed-upon security and service standards, to provide their guests the highest level of quality for an unforgettable dive holiday.
- How is Dive Technology Improving Diving?
- Watch Shared Planet on CBC’s The Nature of Things
- Hundreds of Dolphins Wash Ashore in Puntland, Somalia
- The Diver and the Cook: Trapped in 102 Feet of Water
- Demystifying Ocean Currents: How They Shape Weather and Marine Ecosystems
- Why Dive Professionals Need to Shift Their Focus
- The Benefits of Using the Sauna Before Scuba Diving
- Effective Ways To Make Your Boat More Sustainable