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Clean air, water and soil to grow food are necessities of life. So are diverse plant and animal populations. But as the human population continues to increase, animal numbers are falling. There’s a strong correlation. A comprehensive report from the World Wildlife Federation and the Zoological Society of London found that wild animal populations dropped by 58 per cent between 1970 and 2012, and will likely reach a 67 per cent drop by 2020 if nothing is done to prevent the decline.

On the 26th October 2016 at Oceana Canada’s symposium, Rebuilding Abundance: Restoring Canada’s Fisheries for Long-Term Prosperity, the Honourable Dominic LeBlanc, Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard, announced that his department has released key information on the status of Canadian fish stocks, sharing the results of an annual Sustainability Survey for Fisheries, and investing additional funds to increase science capacity.

The Bowen Island Conservancy is active throughout the year on various projects around our beautiful island. We usually send an update on what we’ve been doing to all Conservancy members at this time of year. Since we are now on Facebook, we’d like to let you all know what we’ve been up to.