- Discover the Bahamas Aboard Cat Ppalu Liveaboard
- Cocos Island Aggressor: Dive into the Wild Side of Costa Rica’s Underwater Paradise
- Inspired by Diveheart: Students Develop Adaptive Scuba Tech
- The Sardine Run Controversy: Are We Undervaluing One of Nature’s Greatest Shows?
- Only 73 Southern Resident Killer Whales Remain on the Planet
- Divers Recovered a Sunken Argo
- Learn More About Log Drivers AKA “Log Drivers” or “River Pigs”
- The Lost Intruder: The Search for a Missing Navy Jet
Browsing: Scuba Features
Welcome to the “Scuba Diving Features” section of The Scuba News, your comprehensive hub for all things scuba diving. This parent category encompasses a wide range of topics, including maritime history, underwater photography and videography, scuba diving training, scuba diver travel, surface interval entertainment such as books, podcasts, movies, and TV episodes, as well as webinars and scuba diving events. Dive into our diverse collection of articles, reviews, and guides to explore the fascinating world of scuba diving from every angle. Whether you’re a novice diver, seasoned enthusiast, or simply curious about the wonders of the underwater realm, our curated content has something for everyone.
When choosing a housing and camera there are two annoying things to consider – you might flood or lose it. This is one of the reasons I dont recommend using your phone. Whilst the cameras on phones are getting increasingly sophisticated, the chance of loosing it to a leak or simply dropping it are possible.
When choosing a housing and camera there are two annoying things to consider – you might flood or lose it. This is one of the reasons I dont recommend using your phone. Whilst the cameras on phones are getting increasingly sophisticated, the chance of loosing it to a leak or simply dropping it are possible.
When choosing a housing and camera there are two annoying things to consider – you might flood or lose it. This is one of the reasons I dont recommend using your phone. Whilst the cameras on phones are getting increasingly sophisticated, the chance of loosing it to a leak or simply dropping it are possible.
Choosing a housing and camera, some tips… When choosing a housing and camera there are…
As Canada celebrates its 150th birthday this year it is worth noting that a war has never been fought on its land. But the weapons of warfare brought death and destruction to Halifax, Nova Scotia, on Canada’s Atlantic seaboard 100 years ago. On December 6, 1917, the French ship Mont-Blanc left its anchorage at Halifax to join a convoy that would cross the Atlantic en route to the First World War battle grounds.
I met with RS Divers back in December who were a very impressive commercial diving company in Portsmouth. I wanted more of an insight into the life of a commercial diver and so talked to one of their staff members and Owner of the Hamble Ferry, Mike Lindsell.
The Princess May (first named Cass, then later, Arthur, Cass (again), Ningchow, and Hating) was 249 feet (76 m) long, 33-foot (10 m) beam, 18-foot (5.5 m) depth of hold, 1717 gross and 1394 registered tons.
The Princess May (first named Cass, then later, Arthur, Cass (again), Ningchow, and Hating) was…
In October of 2001 the CHAA Dive Recovery Team was formed under the guidance of Bob Hewitt with the concept of recovering Canadian historical aircraft within the Great Lakes region. Bob along with the assistance of Charley Fox, Len Fallowfield, Bill Scott, Kent Beckham, Everett Hillsdon, Dave Delaney, Martin Hodgson and Murray Manning have contributed their time and extensive energy in researching possible site locations. The initial focus was to recover sunken aircraft with the intention of restoring them to flying condition or for use as static displays.
In October of 2001 the CHAA Dive Recovery Team was formed under the guidance of…
There I was on my deepest ever dive on regular air and I can remember…
The diver was a 19-year-old woman in good physical condition. She denied any history of medical problems and did not take any medications regularly. She completed her confined-water training several weeks before with no problems and was now doing her open-water training dives.
The diver was a 19-year-old woman in good physical condition. She denied any history of…
Who would have guessed? Patricia Lake in Jasper National Park, AB is home to the remains of the Habbakuk. See what very few scuba divers have ever seen with their own eyes, while expedition lake diving to this fairly remote location.
Who would have guessed? Patricia Lake in Jasper National Park, AB is home to the remains of the…
Aiming to provide the UK’s best commercial diving services in coastal waters, inland waterways, lakes, reservoirs and pools, RS Divers has an impressive expert dive team with over a ten year’s experience and a 100% safety record.
Many people don’t really know what’s in our oceans. When asked to name a species, we’re likely to mention an adorable marine mammal, such as a whale. Whales are indeed amazing animals, but there are plenty of other species in the ocean that make up a diverse and fascinating ecosystem. Here are just some of the unique species found in Canada’s oceans that you likely haven’t heard of.
Many people don’t really know what’s in our oceans. When asked to name a species,…
On the 17th of October 2016, my travels from South Africa to South-East Asia began. It was my first time travelling abroad and I can still remember the feeling of frantic butterflies in my stomach when the plane left the ground.
So rare were ships on the prairies that when a steamer for the Pearson Land Company was held up on Long Lake, the only law under which the government could charge the thief was Piracy on the High Seas; a crime punishable by hanging. The government decided not to press charges.
So rare were ships on the prairies that when a steamer for the Pearson Land…
The other day, The Scuba News had a chance to chat briefly with author Simon Pridmore about his best-selling book Scuba Confidential – An Insider’s Guide to Becoming a Better Diver.
The other day, The Scuba News had a chance to chat briefly with author Simon…
Seahorses seem to be a big favourite for divers and non-divers alike, we actually know surprisingly little about them. Besides the fact that their males get pregnant, most divers don’t know that much about them. So here a few fun things you never knew about seahorses and will make you appreciate them even more next time you encounter them during your dives.
Seahorses seem to be a big favourite for divers and non-divers alike, we actually know surprisingly…
We are a British Columbia based, ocean focused video production company, offering a personal service that can bring to life your ideas, from concept through to shooting and editing. We shoot above and below the waves, making compelling and original promotional videos, product videos, destination videos, event videos or our trademark minimentaries (they’re just like documentaries, but minier!). Check out our Vimeo and YouTube pages for more videos.
Wherever you go on this blue planet you are going to find people fascinated by…
Schooners are defined as having two or more masts with triangular sails rigged fore-and-aft, or along the length of the ship, as opposed to the square type sails across the hull that were typical, for example, of the famous clipper ships. Schooners were more maneuverable and were often the workhorses of the sea wherever they were found, and Newfoundland was no exception 100 years and more ago..
Bob Halliday’s scale replicas capture the character of Newfoundland schooners. Schooners are defined as having…
You don’t have to be a scuba diver to see the wreck of the MV Ithaca. But you do have to pick the right time of day. That would be low tide, when the 80-metre ship is sitting on the sandy bottom. You can walk close enough for a good view but don’t get too close and definitely do not try to board it because the wreck is not safe.
You don’t have to be a scuba diver to see the wreck of the MV…
1- Great Hammerhead (Sphyrna mokorran) The Great Hammerhead is aptly named, one of the larger…
And so here we are…Las Vegas, the Dema show! Up until last week it didn’t…
Dave Reimer’s career as a commercial diver throughout Ontario spanned 43 years. When he retired he went on to saving lives of scuba divers and enhancing or saving the lives of others who have never been under water.
Dave Reimer’s career as a commercial diver throughout Ontario spanned 43 years. When he retired…
Muck diving has gathered worldwide fame in recent years, underwater photographers and scuba diving enthusiasts will travel across the world to experience the weird and wonderful world of muck diving.
Muck diving has gathered worldwide fame in recent years, underwater photographers and scuba diving enthusiasts…
I left the Army to work for a German gentleman in West Africa who thought…
On 10 November, 1975 the Great Lakes freight vessel, the Edmund Fitzgerald, sank in a violent storm on Lake Superior.
On 10 November, 1975 the Great Lakes freight vessel, the Edmund Fitzgerald, sank in a…
6.30am, 20th February, 2016. My Resort Manager was frantically banging at my door. Category 5 Cyclone Winston had suddenly changed track a few hours ago. We were due to miss the brunt of him but now we were in trouble as he was heading straight for us. As the dive center manager at the time, many thoughts were racing through my fuzzy morning head. Coffee?
6.30am, 20th February, 2016. My Resort Manager was frantically banging at my door. Category 5…
In less than the last 400 years, there have been in excess of 400 shipwrecks on the rocky shores of Anticosti Island.
In less than the last 400 years, there have been in excess of 400 shipwrecks…
The phrase muck diving was coined by Bob Halstead when he described diving off black sand beaches in Papua New Guinea. This unusual type of diving has gained great popularity and involves diving sites with sandy or silty bottoms, in search of the critters found there. Some of the best sites for muck diving are volcanic areas and sea grass beds.
Yoga has numerous health benefits for divers including increased flexibility, muscle strength, improved breathing and good circulatory health. All of which can contribute to better and safer diving with good buoyancy control.
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Diving occupies a complex place in modern recreational and competitive sport and as a professional vocation at any level.
Diving occupies a complex place in modern recreational and competitive sport and as a professional…
What really happened to the 129 men aboard the HMS Terror and HMS Erebus as they attempted to explore the unknown territory of the Northwest Passage?