The scuba diving around Gibraltar is world famous and has been on my radar for…
People sometimes get bugged by insects, but we need them. They play essential roles in pollination, combatting unwanted agricultural pests, recycling organic matter, feeding fish, birds and bats, and much more. They’re the most numerous and diverse animals on Earth and form the base of many terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.
People sometimes get bugged by insects, but we need them. They play essential roles in…
The MSY WAOW, a popular and beautiful Indonesian liveaboard vessel, will no longer be operating…
The Southern Cross Club, Little Cayman’s original dive and fish resort, has won 2 prestigious 2018 Traveler’s Choice Awards from TripAdvisor©, the world’s largest travel planning and booking site. Based on reviews posted by travelers during the past year, the resort ranks in the top ten in the Caribbean for Customer Service and Romance.
Conservation is always front and center to those who live and work on Little Cayman, but during the full winter moon, with researchers gathered there for the Grouper Moon Project, a study of the annual spawning of Nassau Grouper, the conservation effort expanded to include land as well as sea, with an island-wide beach cleanup over the weekend.
After a record breaking 2017 for Cayman tourism overall, and projections for continued growth, the island’s dive operators expect 2018 to be a banner year for their industry, and they are prepared for it. As a leader in dive tourism, Cayman has always balanced responsible diving and conservation with an outstanding dive product, always keeping it fresh and exciting for discerning divers. Cayman’s dive sites, dive operators and resorts remain topnotch, and the divers who voted in the Scuba Diving Magazine’s Readers Choice Awards agree.
At a special Awards Ceremony at Goldsmiths’ Hall in London, inspirational Deptherapy Programme Member and Ambassador Ben Lee was one of three wounded ex-servicemen honoured to receive an Endeavour Fund Award in the presence of HRH Prince Harry and Ms Meghan Markle.
At a special Awards Ceremony at Goldsmiths’ Hall in London, inspirational Deptherapy Programme Member and…
Divetech, one of Cayman’s leading dive operations and recognized as the place to go in Grand Cayman for technical diving and training, is heading into 2018 on the heels of a great year and a very successful showing at the Dive Equipment and Marketing Association (DEMA) where industry business is booked.
If you are considering taking that life changing decision to make a living out of…
Following a trustworthy fisherman’s lead, on the 21st & 22nd of January 2018, the Red Sea Exlporers’ team ventured into the deep waters near Gubal Island in search of an unknown wreck. Due to heavy currents, poor visibility, the estimated depth of the wreck and not to mention the ship traffic in the channel above, we anticipated it to be a tricky dive and indeed it was.
Now, more than ever before, we need to stand together to save the world’s coral…
***PEAK WHALE SHARK SEASON*** Galapagos is HOT HOT HOT! 7nts, this boat offers 3 full…
Are you passionate about diving and dreaming about making it your professional career? Here is your chance!
Are you passionate about diving and dreaming about making it your professional career? Here is…
Drew Nageleisen followed his father into diving. “My dad was a diver in the early ‘60s. I always wanted to do it,” says Nageleisen, of Kitchener. After getting his open water certification in 2012, his passion for the underwater world soon morph into a career in the sport. He bought out his partner and became the sole owner of TriCity Scuba Centre in Kitchener.
Drew Nageleisen followed his father into diving. “My dad was a diver in the early…
The biggest focus is on killer whales and salmon right now given the current state of both populations. Within this we will also talk about seal populations. The key message is that if we protect killer whales, we protect the strait because they are an umbrella species.
“We have many opportunities to view thousands of species of wildlife in our local waters…