Bisaro Anima, near Fernie, British Columbia, is believed to be Canada’s deepest cave. Unsurprisingly, that attracted Calgary explorers to map and study the cave.
Bisaro Anima, near Fernie, British Columbia, is believed to be Canada’s deepest cave. Unsurprisingly, that…
Our Winter Sale is still on! With up to 30% off on a range of Worldwide destinations including the Bahamas, French Polynesia, Galapagos and many more. Now is the time to book!
Our Winter Sale is still on! With up to 30% off on a range of Worldwide destinations including the Bahamas,…
Attention – Kingston and area divers. We will be having a first meeting for a…
Get in the water and make some new friends! This adventure will take you into the water and allow you to swim alongside some of the majestic humpback whales that grace us with their presence through out the summer months.
Get in the water and make some new friends! This adventure will take you into…
Canada is losing a lot of its wildlife. The World Wildlife Fund’s 2017 Living Planet Report Canada found half the monitored mammal, bird, reptile, amphibian and fish species declined from 1970 to 2014. Threatened and endangered species continue to disappear despite federal legislation designed to protect them and help their populations recover. What’s going wrong?
Canada is losing a lot of its wildlife. The World Wildlife Fund’s 2017 Living Planet Report…
Listen to Ruth Mort’s interview with Stephen Lowe on BBC Radio Lancashire, talking about all things relating to The Great Northern Dive Show. (Interview starts at around 49 minutes).
Listen to Ruth Mort’s interview with Stephen Lowe on BBC Radio Lancashire, talking about all…
Before the next Olympic Games begin in South Korea, the world’s oldest international sports federation, World Rowing (FISA) has become the first sporting body to pledge to protect World Heritage sites and their buffer zones.
Before the next Olympic Games begin in South Korea, the world’s oldest international sports federation,…
We are trying to change the consciousness of the Canadian people, and awaken them to the fact that almost half of their country is underwater, and it needs exploration, and management, and understanding. I do dramatic things to draw attention to the fact that we need this kind of exploration. We need to have young Canadians involved in this kind of challenge, and what better way to be able to do it than to pick the pinnacle of diving that is the North Pole
“We are trying to change the consciousness of the Canadian people, and awaken them to…
OVER 320 EXHIBITORS offering the latest camping gear, paddle sports, outdoor clothing, scuba diving & ultimate adventure travel destinations!
OVER 320 EXHIBITORS offering the latest camping gear, paddle sports, outdoor clothing, scuba diving & ultimate adventure travel destinations!
We love scuba, so please join us and share your passion with us!
We love scuba, so please join us and share your passion with us! Hosted by: Vancouver…
Helen, fantastic to get to talk to you again and to hear about a recent trip to Antarctica which I am totally jealous of! So tell us a bit about yourself and how on earth you got the opportunity to head out on such an awesome trip?