The Scuba News Cayman Islands

In withdrawing from the Paris Agreement, U.S. President Donald Trump demonstrated monumental ignorance about climate change and the agreement itself. As Vox energy and climate writer David Roberts noted about Trump’s announcement, “It is a remarkable address, in its own way, in that virtually every passage contains something false or misleading.”

This winter I submerged myself in freezing water (at least it felt that way). Why you may ask? Because I am a crazy lady who loves fish and may have been one in my past life. When I say fish I mean anything living underwater, because even the most insignificant looking species can bring tears of joy to my eyes.

Choosing the right dive center in the jungle of global opportunities is often a gamble. For this reason, dive sites worldwide have allied in the Quality Divers Group, to help choose the perfect destination. Each Quality Divers operator functions under agreed-upon security and service standards, to provide their guests the highest level of quality for an unforgettable dive holiday.