The Scuba News Cayman Islands

Apart from my editing duties, I also work with young people in schools and decided to try and collaborate the two things I love the most. Overnight my ‘Scuba in Schools’ project was born. An enriching program/activity for young people to get involved in. Something new and different as part of the school day to help create the next generation of young divers.

Check out live Scuba Diving sessions in the White Water Demo Pool throughout the weekend! Come and experience the magical world of scuba! With two-thirds of the globe covered by water it is only natural that adventure enthusiasts want to explore below the surface! Learn what makes this underwater experience so addictive.

If you fly over a forest and look down, you’ll see every green tree and plant reaching to the heavens to absorb the ultimate energy source: sunlight. What a contrast when you look down on a city or town with its naked roofs, asphalt roads and concrete sidewalks, all ignoring the sun’s beneficence! Research shows we might benefit by thinking more like a forest.

“Like a living window into a continent, the Great Lakes are vibrantly visible from space. A fresh water source for millions, they are the basis of a huge ecosystem and a vital transportation route for the world. Everyone gazing thankfully on their shores needs to be a part of keeping them healthy for centuries to come. The future of the Great Lakes is the future of us all.” CHRIS A. HADFIELD Colonel, Astronaut ret’d.