The Scuba News Cayman Islands

Shearwater is proud to introduce the newest member of the Shearwater family: The Perdix AI. Offering all of the same great features of the Perdix, the Perdix AI uses its large, easy-to-read screen to clearly display the tank pressure as well as your gas time remaining (GTR). The Perdix AI is capable of connecting to either one or two transmitters giving the diver the option to monitor both tanks or dive sidemount.

A diver-down flag warns boat operators that a scuba diver is in the water and they should proceed slowly, keeping a wide berth from the divers. The onus is on the divers to stay within a specific distance of the flag when near the surface, and also underwater. It is within a larger area around the flag that boats may not enter, usually between 50 to 300 feet of the dive flag. This flag is also used to identify a location where diving gear is sold or rented.

Scuba Fundamental is a unique book for people who are thinking of learning to scuba dive. It tells them what they need to know and should do BEFORE they sign up for a course. It also gives them impartial and reliable advice on important things about learning to dive that nobody ever tells prospective divers about and that they only find out much later: sometimes too late.

6.30am, 20th February, 2016. My Resort Manager was frantically banging at my door. Category 5 Cyclone Winston had suddenly changed track a few hours ago. We were due to miss the brunt of him but now we were in trouble as he was heading straight for us. As the dive center manager at the time, many thoughts were racing through my fuzzy morning head. Coffee?