Lets talk some diving
SSECONN 2020 Scuba/Dive Webinars SECONN urges you to remain healthy in this period, but also…
Remember Koh Tao is one of the best places in the world to learn how to dive, you don’t have to stop there with the open water.
The Florida Aquarium’s Animal Response Team, supported by Florida Blue, offers a story of inspiration and…
The Maldivian archipelago, a water-level paradise formed by more than 2,000 islands is, at any…
A popular spot for swimmers, kayakers and paddle boarders, Emerald Bay, Waterton, Alberta Canada is…
In a previous newsletter, I wrote: “Cold is not the Issue.” Well, while cold temperatures…
Eternal Reefs, Inc. was established in the United States in 1998 when Carleton “Petey” Palmer,…
Despite their crown “social distancing,” many trees communicate with each other through underground fungal networks, or “mycorrhizae.”
Dear Friends! We hope everyone is safe, and your families and friends are well, despite…
History of SOS During the late 1970’s, two far sighted individuals, Rick Jackson and Gain…
Part HALO, part NASA, part Darth Vader, the Hydroid Aquabreather uses proprietary canisters of a chemical mixture that gives off oxygen once popped.
For the times, Dottie was defiantly a trailblazer. What’s amazing about Dottie isn’t about what she did, but when she did it.
Rather, we should consider selective idleness. When it comes to climate activism, for example, we require more, not less.
Going SCUBA diving from shore dive can be very enjoyable and relatively simple to do.…
Dear divers and friends, in view of the turmoils in the world due to the new Coronavirus SARS-COV-2 pandemic, we like to makefollow- ing communication: We understand that everyone is concerned about the spread of this new virus,…
Based on the most current information from public health officials, and in support of community…
To prevent the novel coronavirus from spreading, secure exhibitors’ and visitors’ health and safety, and…
TEKDiveUSA has been monitoring the evolving situation on coronavirus both in the U.S. and around…
Unfortunately, Tec Event Thunersee 2020 is the latest diving event to be cancelled due to…