Conversation with Dr. Ashley Byun and Geiza Viani. Edited by Jessica Merten. Future Frogmen educates…
Dive and Travel Cozumel is available from iTunes, Google and Amazon (Kindle) Why You Should…
Are you curious about rEvo Rebreathers? Do you want to know more about why the…
Underwater360° deeply appreciates the incredible support and valuable feedback that we have been receiving since…
Don’t miss a dive due to minor issues with your scuba diving equipment.
The World Tour Paddling Film Festival has developed into one of the world’s largest paddling activities.
Island Scallops on Vancouver Island has relied on stable ocean conditions since 1989. But CEO…
No, this isn’t an article about a 100th dive. The NUDI, in this case, stands for…
Scuba Diving rehabilitation charity Deptherapy is joining forces with its training agency partner RAID at…
Due to the increasing numbers of cases of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) with evidence…
Do you want to test your survival skills? – Push your boundaries in diving and sport shooting in the secluded forest of Kocevsko, Slovenia
Perhaps you’re preparing for a trip to Amazonia or maybe you’re seeking some adrenaline and…
In recent years three people lost their lives in Morrison’s Quarry.
We make all of our business decisions with the environment in mind, support non-profit educators like Sharks4Kids by donating 1% of all sales to their programming, and raise awareness on mental health associated with body image.
The plan was to descend onto the reef and gradually ascend as the dive went on.
The fish aren’t talking.
Why do people join us for some #DivingwithLegends? Why do thousands of divers claim that…
Dr. Somerfield is a highly-cited and sought-after numerical ecologist who has been instrumental in developing and using the methods in PRIMER across many fields, having led and lectured PRIMER workshops across the globe for over two decades.
I’m a Canadian-born photographer who spends her time between homes in Toronto, Canada, and Cape Town, South Africa.
If we’re going to tackle the climate crisis, we have to reduce transportation emissions. Good…
Part Two – Basics of Decompression Scuba Diving with Jill Heinerth In Episode 2 of…