According to an African proverb (and the Dalai Lama), “If you think you’re too small to make a difference, try sleeping in a closed room with a mosquito.” The saying implies that even when we feel insignificant and powerless, we can create a buzz. But mosquitoes and other tiny critters can literally have a huge impact.
According to an African proverb (and the Dalai Lama), “If you think you’re too small…
The hardy people on the island of Newfoundland have battled the elements, the ocean and its North Atlantic isolation to make a living, ever since the first European pioneers settled its rocky shores centuries ago.
The hardy people on the island of Newfoundland have battled the elements, the ocean and…
Dive into the ONLY salt-water scuba and snorkel facility in Alberta and make your underwater dreams a safe reality! Built by divers for divers.
Dive into the ONLY salt-water scuba and snorkel facility in Alberta and make your underwater dreams…
When it comes to scuba diving the Kingston Ontario area seems to have an abundance of everything divers want, except more divers. The east end of Lake Ontario from Kingston to Prince Edward County has plenty of shipwrecks and only 20 per cent of them have been discovered.
When it comes to scuba diving the Kingston Ontario area seems to have an abundance…
The Maldives has been attracting divers to its waters for decades, and it’s easy to see why: reefs rich in marine life, home to large numbers of whalesharks, dolphins and several species of sharks and regular interactions with manta rays. The Maldives also offers divers some of the best drift diving in the world.
The Maldives is fast becoming the ‘go-to’ destination for divers travelling beyond the Red Sea.…
Carly is a member of I.A.T.S.E. Local 667 in Toronto as an Underwater Specialist. Learning to dive in 2010, Carly decided to combine all of the things she loves most…. Cameras, and the Underwater World. After completing Seneca College’s Underwater Skills Program in 2015, Carly was finally able to show the world what lies beneath the surface.
Carly is a member of I.A.T.S.E. Local 667 in Toronto as an Underwater Specialist. Learning to…
The Pickering Auxiliary Rescue Association (PARA) is a registered charity dedicated to the preservation of life on the water. Currently, 56 unpaid volunteers operate a marine rescue service to protect mariners and assist police, fire, and ambulance services in emergency situations. PARA is also active in encouraging public awareness of water safety.
The Pickering Auxiliary Rescue Association (PARA) is a registered charity dedicated to the preservation of…
Dive the Red Sea in June from just £899! You can also explore the Maldives from £1799.
Dive the Red Sea in June from just £899! You can also explore the Maldives from £1799. M/Y Red Sea Adventurer…
June is a great month for whale encounters, especially humpback whales. These giants of the…
Be it the Red Sea, the Maldives or Indonesia, Emperor Divers has some ‘come dive’ offers to get you into those warm waters on a choice of liveaboards, many with FREE nitrox and complimentary wine with dinner.
Be it the Red Sea, the Maldives or Indonesia, Emperor Divers has some ‘come dive’…
How many times do you ask yourself, how can I make a difference? I am…