This June, significant work by New Zealand artist Dame Robin White will be on display in the United Nations Headquarters, New York.
Our oceans, our future: partnering for the implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 14 This June,…
The accompanying video is a compilation of dives at the Coteau Creek power station. It is at the base of the Gardner dam at Lake Diefenbaker in Saskatchewan, about 100 kilometres south of Saskatoon.
The accompanying video is a compilation of dives at the Coteau Creek power station. It…
This week, on behalf of community groups and local residents, Ecojustice lawyers were in court to make the case for why the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority’s approval of the Fraser Surrey Docks coal export facility should be struck down.
This week, on behalf of community groups and local residents, Ecojustice lawyers were in court…
Take a look at the latest worldwide travel offers from Diverse Travel.
Take a look at the latest worldwide travel offers from Diverse Travel. Marsa Alam Siva…
People who deny that humans are wreaking havoc on the planet’s life-support systems astound me. When confronted with the obvious damage we’re doing to the biosphere — from climate change to water and air pollution to swirling plastic patches in the oceans — some dismiss the reality or employ logical fallacies to discredit the messengers.
People who deny that humans are wreaking havoc on the planet’s life-support systems astound me.…
Well fantastic. Another ridiculous movie that will only perpetuate an unfounded fear of sharks, and give fuel to those that see no problem with the killing of millions of sharks on a regular basis.
Well fantastic. Another ridiculous movie that will only perpetuate an unfounded fear of sharks, and…
Recreational scuba divers have regularly been forced to euthanise banjo sharks that have been caught, mutilated and thrown back beneath the piers of Port Phillip Bay, Melbourne.
Whether you are a novice diver about to embark on your first diving adventure or a diving veteran looking for a new place to pursue your passion, choosing the right dive centre is certainly the most important part of your next underwater experience.
After winning Canada’s Polar Medal in March, Jill Heinerth has followed up in April with a four-book contract. Heinerth, a well-known technical diver, filmmaker, writer and photographer will now have another vehicle to educate Canadians in conservation, exploring and increasing awareness of the planet and its challenges.
After winning Canada’s Polar Medal in March, Jill Heinerth has followed up in April with…
“Where is your favourite place in the world to dive?” Is a question I get asked on almost a daily basis. “Brisbane”. My answer generally surprises people. “Brisbane??” But yes, scuba diving in Brisbane has been the absolute best scuba diving of my life. I have dived in Thailand, Finland, Philippines, Vanuatu, Cambodia and all around Australia, but the dive sites around North Stradbroke Island surpass anything else.
With a new species of shark (the Crocodile shark) being washed up on a UK beach last week we look at the ongoing theory that perhaps one day a Great White will make headlines and will also be discovered in British waters.
With a new species of shark (the Crocodile shark) being washed up on a UK…
I strongly recommend travelling as often as is possible for you. Aim for what you can. Set a goal, and work towards it. This article is about planning for a dive trip will be broken into two parts. Part One will help you specify what you want out of a dive trip and where to start. Part Two will include important information to consider before buying your plane tickets.