The Scuba News New Zealand

Nikki Fothergill is a Project Jonah Marine Mammal Medic who is studying for a Diploma in Marine Studies at the Bay of Plenty Polytechnic in Tauranga. For her second-year project she surveyed the New Zealand public to measure the level of awareness of Māui dolphins and their plight.

Dive Zone Whitianga has seen many students graduate from their diving programme and go on to have some pretty cool jobs. There are certain things that make Dive Zone Whitianga stand out from other training facilities. Here’s why these things are important to your diving qualifications…

If you had told me in 2009 when I was getting my Open Water that one day, I would train to be a PADI Dive Master, I wouldn’t have believed it! I started diving as a teacher on a school camp, and I really didn’t think it would be something I’d continue with. As an older (30+) female with a young family and a full time job, it seemed like a pretty selfish and expensive recreational activity (despite me loving the whole experience!)

The recent stranding (June 2016) of two false killer whales at Waimairi Beach, Christchurch was a rare event. The first stranding in eleven years and only the third ever South Island stranding, the last one being in 1984. For many people it was also the first time they have heard about these charismatic whales.

Imagine unspoilt waters with great visibility, a constantly changing scenery of icebergs that nobody has seen before in that form, inlets that have never been dived before, not seeing another dive group for an entire week. You could be dreaming of Greenland! Cozy guesthouse included and all meals in Greenland and an excellent opportunity to see the Northern Lights.