The Maritime Museum of BC Announces New Exhibit Opening – No Walk in the Woods:…
Recent advances in 360 cameras and 3D photogrammetry software have opened up new possibilities for…
Jim Elliott, along with Tinamarie Hernandez, spearheads an innovative endeavor through Diveheart, a nonprofit organization.…
The newest addition to the Reef Smart series, Reef Smart Guides Florida Keys is the #1 guide to finding…
A dazzling, evidence-based account of one man’s quest to heal from complex PTSD by turning…
Legacy, the luxury liveaboard in the Red Sea and our official partner for 2024 and…
As devoted scuba enthusiasts, we are thrilled to unveil an array of exclusive liveaboard special…
On Thursday, April 18, 2024 we invite you to our upcoming lecture of the “Mapping…
Following the unfortunate death of Jared Hires on 3rd April 2024, there is always rampant…
2nd Annual: plan your day at EarthFESTSaturday, April 20th 2024Presented by the Carleton Place Environmental…
The best-selling authoritative resource returns updated and better than ever. Scuba Diving, Fifth Edition, is…
Since 1999,® has been a leader in Canadian boater certification, accredited by Transport Canada…
“Anyone fascinated by the underwater world will be riveted by the photos in this richly…
In January The Scuba Place visited Ambon, Raja Ampat and Lembeh hosting a group of…
EARTHFEST, Celebrating Environmental Action in London, Ontario Come join us on Saturday April 20th at…
Leading UK-based shark conservation charity, the Shark Trust, is delighted to announce tour operator Diverse…
What a fun day this was! My boys came with me out to Prospect where…
If you do not yet scuba dive but are thinking of learning, then this book…
Providing Life Changing Scuba Opportunities for Youth About Us Tiffany and Keith Newman started diving…
Did you make any New Year’s resolutions? Anyone resolve to help overthrow consumer capitalism? If…