In a recent University of Toronto lecture, “Climate Action: Time for Implementation”, he stressed that climate change is a public health issue “disproportionately affecting the most vulnerable as well as those least responsible for anthropogenic warming.”
Browsing: Environment
Angel Gurria sounds like the leader of an environmental or social justice group. In a…
The life cycle of wild Pacific Salmon and their age old relationship with the Tseshaht First Nation. This video will be screened In New York on October 2018.
The life cycle of wild Pacific Salmon and their age old relationship with the Tseshaht…
Brazil has flooded large swaths of the Amazon for hydro dams, despite opposition from Indigenous Peoples, environmentalists and others. The country gets 70 per cent of its electricity from hydropower. Brazil’s government had plans to expand development, opening half the Amazon basin to hydro. But a surprising announcement could halt that.
Brazil has flooded large swaths of the Amazon for hydro dams, despite opposition from Indigenous…
Montreal’s new bylaw banning single-use plastic bags went into effect on New Year’s Day, although it won’t be enforced immediately. There is a grace period during which city officials will work with store managers to determine the best approach.
Environmental organisation WWF-New Zealand is pleased to hear that Fisheries Minister Stuart Nash is committed to enabling transparency and trust in our fisheries management system. WWF agrees that it is vital to protect public access to information about commercial fishing through the Integrated Electronic Monitoring and Reporting System (IEMRS).
Environmental organisation WWF-New Zealand is pleased to hear that Fisheries Minister Stuart Nash is committed…
The Hamilton Princess Hotel & Beach Club has launched an innovative online experience to give…
A multi-year drought may make Cape Town the first major city in the world to…
My parents were born in Vancouver — Dad in 1909, Mom in 1911 — and married during the Great Depression. It was a difficult time that shaped their values and outlook, which they drummed into my sisters and me.
My parents were born in Vancouver — Dad in 1909, Mom in 1911 — and…
Environmental organisation WWF and its partners have introduced revolutionary blockchain technology to the Pacific Islands’ tuna industry, the first of its kind for this region, to help stamp out illegal fishing and human rights abuses.
Environmental organisation WWF and its partners have introduced revolutionary blockchain technology to the Pacific Islands’…
Environmental organisation WWF-New Zealand says that the New Zealand government is failing to protect the last 63 Māui dolphins by allocating oil and gas exploration rights within Māui dolphin habitat off Taranaki.
Environmental organisation WWF-New Zealand says that the New Zealand government is failing to protect the…
Environmental organisation WWF-New Zealand cautiously welcomes the new southern squid fishing plan (the ‘SQU6T Operational Plan’) released by Minister for Fisheries Stuart Nash today as a first step towards protecting New Zealand sea lions.
Environmental organisation WWF-New Zealand cautiously welcomes the new southern squid fishing plan (the ‘SQU6T Operational…
The fifth World Ocean Summit will be held at Riviera Maya, Mexico, on March 7th-9th 2018 and the ocean’s problems will be the forefront of discussions.
The fifth World Ocean Summit will be held at Riviera Maya, Mexico, on March 7th-9th 2018…
Traditionally, we’ve labelled events over which we have no influence or control “acts of God” or “natural disasters.” But what’s “natural” about climate-induced disasters today? Scientists call the interval since the Industrial Revolution the “Anthropocene,” a period when our species hasbecome the major factor altering the biological, physical and chemical properties of the planet on a geological scale. Empowered by fossil fuel–driven technologies, a rapidly growing human population and an insatiable demand for constant growth in consumption and the global economy, our species is responsible for the calamitous consequences.
Traditionally, we’ve labelled events over which we have no influence or control “acts of God”…
In their efforts to discredit renewable energy and support continued fossil fuel burning, many anti-environmentalists have circulated a dual image purporting to compare a lithium mine with an oilsands operation. It illustrates the level of dishonesty to which some will stoop to keep us on our current polluting, climate-disrupting path (although in some cases it could be ignorance).
In their efforts to discredit renewable energy and support continued fossil fuel burning, many anti-environmentalists…
One of the most popular boys answered, “I hope to go into politics.” We were delighted because we knew he wanted to make the world and Canada better, and we admired him for it.
In 1952, my Grade 10 civics teacher asked us what we hoped to become as…
Out of a record-breaking 47 entries, the three winning ideas of WWF-New Zealand’s 2017 Conservation Innovation Awards, announced tonight are: a high-tech thermal imaging solution for invasive species’ management; a device that detects real-time E. coli contamination in freshwater; and an innovation that combines thermal imaging and artificial intelligence for a predator free New Zealand.
Out of a record-breaking 47 entries, the three winning ideas of WWF-New Zealand’s 2017 Conservation…
The real risk of E. coli freshwater contamination is under the New Zealand spotlight, and now there’s a new game-changer solution on the way to revolutionise how Kiwis can take action in the national freshwater emergency.
The real risk of E. coli freshwater contamination is under the New Zealand spotlight, and…
As many countries move away from big hydro projects, B.C.’s government must decide whether to continue work on the Site C dam. The controversial megaproject would flood a 100-kilometre stretch of the Peace River Valley and provide enough power for the equivalent of about 500,000 homes.
As many countries move away from big hydro projects, B.C.’s government must decide whether to…
It seems odd that a major U.S. government climate report released November 3 didn’t receive more media attention. But then, the main thing newsworthy about the Climate Science Special Report is that it was released at all, apparently without political interference.
It seems odd that a major U.S. government climate report released November 3 didn’t receive…
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says oil pipelines have no place in B.C.’s Great Bear Rainforest. Opponents of the approved Kinder Morgan pipeline expansion to the West Coast and the cancelled Energy East pipeline to the East Coast argue pipelines and tankers don’t belong in any coastal areas. Research led by the Raincoast Conservation Foundation confirms the threat to marine mammals in B.C. waters from a seven-fold increase in tanker traffic is considerable.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says oil pipelines have no place in B.C.’s Great Bear Rainforest.…
New research shows that more action is needed to reduce accidental catch of endangered New Zealand sea lions in fishing nets, said environmental organsiation WWF-New Zealand.
New research shows that more action is needed to reduce accidental catch of endangered New…
The Canadian government is banning plastic microbeads in toiletries. Although designed to clean us, they’re polluting the environment, putting the health of fish, wildlife and people at risk. Manufacturers and consumers ushered plastic microbeads into the marketplace, but when we learned of their dangers, we moved to phase them out.
The Canadian government is banning plastic microbeads in toiletries. Although designed to clean us, they’re…
To celebrate Project AWARE®’s Silver Jubilee with the dive community, we have some fantastic prizes…
Chefs, restaurant owners and sustainable seafood leaders from across the country have added their names to an open letter urging the government take action to stop seafood fraud. By improving boat-to-plate traceability, the government can help ensure that all fish sold in Canada is honestly labelled, legally caught and fully traceable.
Chefs, restaurant owners and sustainable seafood leaders from across the country have added their names…
Kermadec Campaign Partners WWF-New Zealand, Forest & Bird and The Pew Charitable Trusts welcomed the Niue government’s announcement today that it plans to create a large marine protected area covering 40% of its exclusive economic zone, and called on New Zealand to do more to protect the ocean.