A fascinating article from Marine Industry UK has offered an interesting explanation for the increase…
Browsing: Orcas
Canada’s Dangerous Waters Canada’s shipping laws are promoting aquatic clearcutting. By incentivizing ocean dumping, these laws…
Come scuba diving with Jett and Kathryn Britnell to West Papua Islands and Raja Ampat…
Snorkeling with orcas and humpback whales Norway is known for its beautiful fjords and breathtaking…
Improve your wildlife and underwater photography skills during our winter live-aboard expeditions in the Norwegian…
Canada is losing a lot of its wildlife. The World Wildlife Fund’s 2017 Living Planet Report Canada found half the monitored mammal, bird, reptile, amphibian and fish species declined from 1970 to 2014. Threatened and endangered species continue to disappear despite federal legislation designed to protect them and help their populations recover. What’s going wrong?
Canada is losing a lot of its wildlife. The World Wildlife Fund’s 2017 Living Planet Report…
Two of British Columbia’s most iconic species, chinook salmon and southern resident killer whales, are in trouble. The whale depends on the salmon for survival. Is it time to manage chinook fisheries with killer whales in mind?
Two of British Columbia’s most iconic species, chinook salmon and southern resident killer whales, are…
This brand new documentary, Inside The Tanks, focuses on what life is like for whales and dolphins in European marine parks, by visiting Marineland, in the South of France.
On Thursday 15th June, witness what happens Inside The Tanks. This brand new documentary, Inside…
Jacques do Vos is an underwater photographer who regularly gets into the water with these magnificent creatures, most recently in Norway. Enjoy the stunning video of his experiences above.
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to freedive with orcas? Jacques do…
The recent stranding (June 2016) of two false killer whales at Waimairi Beach, Christchurch was a rare event. The first stranding in eleven years and only the third ever South Island stranding, the last one being in 1984. For many people it was also the first time they have heard about these charismatic whales.
Join Waterproof Expeditions for a fascinating wildlife spectacle and snorkel experience on board the comfortable…
Join us for a fascinating wildlife and snorkel experience on board a new live-aboard vessel in…
Kim Ashdown spent 12 years as an animal trainer at SeaWorld between 1994 and 2010.…
As you may know if you read The Scuba News regularly, one of the campaigns…
The Time Has Come to Empty the Tanks, 21 Events will take place in nine countries…
I have taken quite a keen interest in Killer Whales recently. I am not sure…