Browsing: Training

Canadian Harvard Aircraft Association (CHAA) Aircraft Recovery Team is hosting a four-part course on Side Scan Sonar starting at 10 AM on Sunday, April 22 at The Dive Academy in Oakville. Active CHAA members are invited to the course at no cost.

Go Pro to fulfill your dream of moving your office into the ocean to enjoy endless summer and diving! Join our Platinum Course Directors Angel & Jo for a comprehensive 14-day Instructor Development Course incl. IDC Prep program, special workshops on complex skills and practical teaching techniques.

Safety is almost always at the forefront of any divers thinking, but occasionally and commonly even the most experienced and qualified enthusiasts find themselves in an uncomfortable situation. The inevitable will come for every diver when a little surprise catches them off guard and they need to re-group a little to regain control of the dive. For the most part, in an ideal world, this is all any diver would really want or expect to happen.

There are now 24 Adventure Dives in the PADI Adventures in Diving Programme and 13 chapters in the 2016 Adventures in Diving manual. As a result, any Instructor may teach any of these 13 Dives. For the 11 Adventure Dives that are not in the new PADI Adventures in Diving Manual, an instructor must become a Specialty Instructor before running that Dive

Specialty courses are important for many reasons. You learn about the safety aspects of diving in the specific environment and/or with the Specialised equipment – as well as how to get the most out of your time diving in the Specialty area.

Last season I completed my Advanced Nitrox/Helitrox/Deco procedure course. This season I am using this training, as I continue to gain experience in the field of technical diving. I have completed my third deco dive since my training.